Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Ayyyyyeee!!! Would-ya look at that! An older version of Annie! 

This is an AU version from an RP I did with a couple of my friends, although it's on a hiatus at the moment. It revolved around the puzzle-solving duo, Ryder and Annie, and their newest client, Princess Kythaela. 

My friends birthday passed recently, and I'm thinking about finishing this for her, since she adores that RP with a flaming passion. It'll be a bit of a jolt, considering that I haven't worked with lineart in quite some time, but I think it'll be worth it in the end.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Fallen Angel

Hey! Look! An Angel!

Not only is it an angel, but it's my character! Anastasia "Annie" Vasilev, after she's been wrongly banished from Heaven. This image depicts the first few moments of her time on earth, when her flesh has, for the first time, met mortal soil. Her landing was less than pretty, and having been thrust to the bottom of a lake all its water was displaced by the force of her arrival.

She watches in confused and horrified awe as her once white and spectacular wings are blackened by the gravity of her sin, and thus marking has as one of the Fallen. She's gifted with a breath of hope, however, because a limited portion of her plumage has yet to be tainted. Realizing she has time to prove her innocence and regain her former status, Annie gathers her courage and faces the mortal plane.

I can't even tell you how long I spent on this drawing, it took so long. I spent four or five days working on this nearly non-stop, only taking a few breaks here and there to eat and sleep. It was for a competition on Instagram, and it all paid off because I was one of the winners. o3o

There were a lot of ups and downs while making this. 

I absolutely adored working on Annie herself. 

As mentioned in my previous post, I've been experimenting with my style, so I decided to conquer this beast of a piece without any linework. Now, on one hand, that was super awesome because I have a love-hate relationship with linework. I like it in small doses, but often the scale of my imagination leads an abundance of detail that is ultimately a hassle to line. 

Skipping that step all together didn't really cut down the time it took to finish this piece, but it certainly made the entire thing feel much more organic. 

That being said, after I finished Annie I slowly began to hate myself for the amount of detail I require to like what I draw. 

It started with the wings, then the reflections, then the rocks. o_o It was absolute torture.

AND SOMEHOW, I still love this drawing.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Introducing a new feature on my blog: WIP WEDNESDAYS! 

I decided, in order to become more active, I'm going to start doing WIP Wednesdays so tat, every week, there's something on here. You'll be given a look into what I'm working on, as well as a few updates in my life. 

I won't go into too much detail, or even give away much about the meaning of this drawing, but it involves one of my original characters, Blake, and a few aspects of his past. Can we just talk about that piano, though? I spent way too long working on it.

Nonetheless, it feels good to work with grayscale again. It's like a return to form, since I started out as a graphite artist. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

New Art! Bloodmoon

Since summer began, I've only really been involved in a few massive art pieces. Most of my time has been dedicated to writing because that's what I want to do with my life. However, there have been a few occasions that I've spent drawing. They've been uncharacteristically time-consuming, and have helped me come to the conclusion that I am currently in an experimental phase with my art.

I've always wanted to do something more painterly. That being said most of my childhood inspiration could be found in the pages of a comic book, which, for the most part, consist of the routine sketch, line, and color process drawings. I've never aspired to be a comic artist, however, and found more organic techniques to be appealing to the eye. I've never been able to achieve such a style.

Recently, I've aspired to change that. My last two pieces, although tedious and exhausting, are some of the best things I've ever crafted. 

This piece is on of them.

It depicts two characters from my book, Devil's Trumpet, Macy and Nico, beneath a blood moon. There's  a lot of symbolism in this piece because the book is deeply rooted in biblical myths and rituals. I attempted to make it look as if they're angels descending from the clouds, hand in hand because they're the prophets of a new age. The moon is a critical part of the book, so it can't be discussed more, but damn was it difficult to draw.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Art Trade: Erik (TheGalaxyCollective on Instagram)


She goes by Thegalaxycollective on instagram. She's a fantastic artist, and I've been in love with her stile for quite some time. She mentioned something about wanting to do another while she had the time, and I was fortunate enough to be chosen. o3o

This is her character, Erik, wh was described to me as, basically, a cold hearted son of a gun that somehow manages to still be awesome.

If you're curious why I drew him in socks, the simple answer is that I didn't want to be bothered with drawing shoes so I just gave him some nice, normal, foot mittens. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Vent Art: Blocked

"This person isn't receiving messages from you right now."

So, recently, my best friend of three or four years blocked me out of nowhere.

In short, this drawing is a depiction of my initial feelings upon realization that she'd cut me off. There was a mixture of fear and disbelief, but most of all there was pain. It was the kind of pain that sears the center of your chest before it scorches your veins, shuddering through your entire body. 

What makes it worse is that there was no warning.

There was little to no build up. 

In the last message she sent me she said "I loves you bestie, thank you for helping me feel better." That was Tuesday. We didn't talk Wednesday, and come Thursday she removed me from her life.

I immediately began wondering what I did wrong. Was it because we didn't talk on Wednesday? We've gone days without speaking before, and it never led to this. Was it something else? Did I say something without realizing the negative impact of my words? 

What did I do wrong?

I desperately began searching for answers; I spoke to one of her friends, asked if they knew anything, and they didn't. My next decision was to tirelessly hunt through my phone's call log for her number, because I called it just a week or two ago when she couldn't find her cell. The message I sent wasn't angry, it wasn't bitter, it was confused and it would've been heartbroken had I not kept myself from that level of immaturity. 

She had to have a good reason, and I wanted to know. I needed to know. Where did I go wrong? How did I ruin this friendship in the course of 24 hours? 

What did I do wrong?

She responded, but she didn't provide me the understanding I desired.

Instead of clarifying what I could've done differently, she specified that she was the one who wrong, and that she made the decision to block me for my  sake. She elaborated that she can't talk to me without feeling sad, and that she hasn't felt anything beyond that since our previous fallout (something I've moved on from, but apparently she hasn't). Again, she clarified that this was for my sake. You can imagine I wasn't pleased with this.

I felt, in her text at least, that she'd made a very strong case stating that I became the toxin, so I pointed that out and apologized before wishing her well.

Again, she corrected me by saying that she was the toxin.

My first thought was What is this anime hero bullshit?

What bullshit. What tremendously horrible bullshit is that? This stuff isn't supposed to be real. This stuff is only supposed to exist in tv's and movies and books, often as a means of creating empathy between the audience and the protagonist. But, apparently, real life people are just as idiotic as fictional characters, and it sucks. 

At that moment, I wanted to yell at her. I wanted to scream and argue and say that she had no right to decide who's bad for me and who's not because as far as I was concerned, she wasn't. In fact, even now, I'm certain that she was by far one of the best things for me. She was a friend, one of the few who understood me and cared for me, and when I was sad she knew how to get me through it. It was something I'd believed, up until now, that we did for each other. I wanted to argue, and I almost started when that same friend I'd contacted before sent me an image.

It was a screen shot.

On my screen, I saw my best friend's latest post, time stamped 11 hours prior to that instant, which read with a sort of vindictive disdain I've suffered before, but never by her. 

"People change," it read, "and not always for the better. I've changed, so has the person I just let go of."

Okay. I could understand that. That makes more sense. 

Then I get to the last line.

"I just don't want any part of what they're turning into."

It sounds dramatic, but for a second I died. My heart stopped, my lungs paused, even my mind was totally paralyzed. I was, for just one moment, broken into a dust of despair so powerful I believed that life itself had been sapped from my core. This sensation was the culmination of so many things; I realized she lied to me over our texts. I realized I truly have done something, perhaps a string of things, that disparaged my friendship with her. I realized this wasn't a peaceful parting of ways, and that although I would remember her fondly her experience would be different. 

She won't speak kindly of me; she never does about people who leave her life. 

She won't miss me. 

She won't be back.

And, once again, I am alone.

I send her one last text, aware now that she won't respond after this, and tell her she doesn't have to lie. 

It's okay. If she doesn't like me for who I've allegedly become, that's alright. I can understand that. I've distanced myself from people for the same reason, so there's no blaming her for that.

Today, I'm upset. Tomorrow, I'll be upset. Maybe even the day after that, I'll be upset.
I'll comb through my memories for examples of how I've changed, but all the differences I come up with are linked to her. They're alterations crafted to better suit what she required after she and I stopped talking months ago, because that's what I thought she wanted. It's what she said she needed before. I'll keep looking until it dawns on me, or until I give up looking. 

I'll miss her.
But I'm thankful that I was her friend at all, and in the future I'll reminisce about our memories and time together happily. 

Friday, August 5, 2016

A for Auburn

This is something I drew recently to switch up the routine. Since I graduated I haven't been drawing as much as before, mostly because I don't have an art class to keep me interested anymore and my goals aren't connected to anything art related.

 That being said, because I've been writing and only writing for weeks on end in an effort to finish my manuscript before college, I thought it would be nice to switch things up and draw something for a change. It turned out pretty nice. I tried some new things and I'm happy with it. 

Art Trade: Marshalljwatson

This is actually super overdue, given that I started this art trade MONTHS ago. Hopefully they aren't too angry when I finally include my half. Q^Q It's Rin from Ao No Exorcist or something like that and Keneki from Tokyo Ghoul

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Devil's Trumpet Mock Cover

"Our dreams gave way to prophecy."
As the title states, this is a mock cover for my current story, but I liked it enough that I wanted to share it outside my facebook profile. 

I tried to keep the entire thing simple, without adding too much detail to anything. It was a struggle to some degree, finding something that I felt was done but didn't appear incomplete. I'm happy with it.

Face Variety Practice with Devil's Trumpet Characters

Top Row (Left to Right): Macy Braddock, Circi Taurean, Pyera Vandiver
Bottom Row (Left to Right): Lilac Dexter, Luc Walcott, Cleon Lamalcom
Top Row (Left to Right): Tesher, Nico Nevarro, Valberg Marshall
Bottom Row (Left to Right): Nomono Nirvahna, Lily Dexster, Francis Church